Tag: ubuntu

Passcode Security Flaw Update: it’s a bug in the iPhone OS, not a hack of Ubuntu/Linux

News spread yesterday after Bernd Marienfeldt discovered a security issue with passcode enabled iPhone devices still being accessible using a stock Ubuntu 10.04 system and now reaching major sites on the Internet. Since those reports appear to point out that  Ubuntu/Linux is “teh evil”, I’ll try to explain why this is totally false information and…
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Native iPhone/iPod Touch support arrives on the Linux Desktop

Last Sunday, after being in development since August 2007, Matt Colyer released version 1.0.0 of the libimobiledevice library (formerly known as libiphone). libimobiledevice is a free open source software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone ® and iPod Touch ® devices natively on Linux. Unlike other projects, it does not depend on using…
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