Category: GNOME

Open inline URLs in gedit with Open URI Context Menu

Just a quick note that I updated my Open URI Context Menu plugin for gedit. The plugin offers a simple way to open various file paths it detects within the text you are editing. With the latest quick hack which I wanted to do for a long time already, it can also spawn your favorite…
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openSUSE, GNOME and Apples on the tubez

Work, work and work. That’s how to describe the big fraction of my current schedule and the result is a decreased sexyness in post frequency on this blog (I’ll debug it). I managed to update the applications in my openSUSE repository and most should now be available in the latest versions and build for 10.3.…
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Yast GTK Package Manager updates

Recently got a mail from Ricardo Cruz who is working on the Yast GTK package manager regarding UI design for it and I checked out what is coming up for it in trunk (screenshots!).